
that is just how my life is right now

James likes to help me vacuum. If you give him the hose he will do the whole house. So today I sent him into the downstairs bathroom where the cat liter boxes are. It is always a mess in there. He was busy, and I thought something was actually getting done. BONUS! So I went upstairs to grab Aubrie then back down to make sure he had not sucked up the bathroom rug or anything. He was vacuuming kitty liter alright- out of the kitty liter boxes! The vacuum canister was full and one of the boxes had significantly less liter in it. *sigh* So instead of helping it just made more work for me. Such is life.

1 comment:

Adam and Debbie said...

Makes for a funny story though! I try to "let" Abby help more often with chores because I know someday, she'll be whining that she has to, so if the floor isn't really mopped, I'll just finish it up when she's in bed.